Student Support Team

The Student Support Team act as a support to both students and parents and are often seen as an access route through to other services or support. If you, your child or your family experience any difficulties that impact on their education then please contact one of the key members of staff working with your child.

Form Tutor

Your son/daughter’s form tutor is pivotal in supporting them in school. The form tutor meets your child daily and in most instances also delivers the PHSCE curriculum on a weekly basis.

We encourage parents and students to see the form tutor as the first point of contact for any concerns. You can either contact form tutors via the student planner or via email. All the tutors emails are the same starting with their staff initials and then continuing with

Year Teams

As you will be aware your son/daughter is in a year group and has a Head of Year who will have an overview of their attendance and academic progress. If you wish to contact your child’s Head of Year then their contact details are listed below.

Student Support Team

The School is also fortunate to have an experienced bespoke team of non-teaching staff who are able to offer support. These staff are again available through their emails.

If you have concerns that need a rapid response then please contact the school reception on 01565 633294 and they will attempt to direct you to an appropriate member of staff or please visit the Safeguarding Page

Details of the Behaviour and Attendance policies can be found on the Policies page.