Year 7 Languages - French & Spanish

All students at Knutsford Academy learn French or Spanish in Year 7. Language is taught in chunks using sentence builders via the Conti ‘EPI’ approach, which helps with fluency and long-term memory recall.

Year 7

Students will study French or Spanish in Year 7, both subjects cover the following core topics:

  1. Introducing yourself and others
  2. Free time
  3. School
  4. Film Study – French ‘Au revoir les enfants’ and Spanish ‘Coco/Valentin.’


  • Reading comprehension
  • Written expression
  • Vocabulary learning
  • Cultural research
  • Preparation for internal assessments / controlled assessments
  • Translation of short sentences/text

Other Useful Information

At Key Stage 3 is an excellent resource for revision and reinforcement of core vocabulary. Students will be provided with the log-on details and can access from home. and are also excellent resources for independent vocabulary learning.

Year 8 Languages - French & Spanish

In Year 8 all students will continue to study French or Spanish.


  • Food
  • Festivals
  • House & Home life
  • Francophone countries
  • Holidays
  • Film study – Les Choristes


  • Food
  • Festivals
  • House & Home life
  • Hispanic countries
  • Holidays
  • Film study – Zip y zape


  • Reading comprehension
  • Written expression
  • Vocabulary learning
  • Cultural research
  • Preparation for internal assessments / controlled assessments
  • Translation of short sentences/text

Other Useful Information

At Key Stage 3 is an excellent resource for revision and reinforcement of core vocabulary. Students will be provided with the log-on details and can access from home. and are also excellent resources for independent vocabulary learning.

There will be an opportunity to take part in an overseas study visit in the summer term.

Year 9 Languages - French or Spanish

In Year 9 students study French or Spanish 


  • Relationships & role models
  • Sport
  • Technology and reading
  • Media
  • Customs and festivals
  • Cultural projects – Olympics/The Apprentice/ Neuilly sa mère


  • School
  • Tense consolidation and skills
  • Holidays
  • Social Media
  • Free time, media, sport
  • Film project – Voces innocents/The Apprentice


  • Reading comprehension
  • Written expression
  • Vocabulary learning
  • Cultural research
  • Preparation for internal assessments / controlled assessments
  • Translation of short sentences/text

Other Useful Information

At Key Stage 3 is an excellent resource for revision and reinforcement of core vocabulary. Students will be provided with the log-on details and can access from home. and are also excellent resources for independent vocabulary learning.

There will be an opportunity to take part in our Exchange trip and our trip to Spain this year!

Curriculum Maps for Languages

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