At Knutsford Academy Sixth Form we pride ourselves on the strong sense of community and the support we provide for our students.  

Form Tutors 

All Sixth Form students have a dedicated form tutor who they have daily direct contact with during morning registration. The form tutor acts as the first point of contact and will serve as their mentor during the Higher Education Application process in Year 13.  


Sixth Form Leadership Team 

The Sixth Form Leadership team, Pastoral team and teaching staff work extremely closely with students to plan supportive learning, tutorial, and revision programmes to enable them to step into their futures with confidence.  

Pastoral Team

We are supported by Mrs Murphy, a member of the school’s Student Services team who runs drop-in sessions offering support, advice and a chat everyday between 8.30am and 10am or appointments on a Wednesday afternoon. Mrs Murphy has access to counselling services offered within school.

This service is run through two external providers :  
•    Just Drop In - Helping young people find their feet.
•   SWANS CIC - supporting wellbeing and nurturing mental health. 
This counselling service is free of charge and open to all members of the school community. 
Further information regarding Mental Health and Support can be found on the school website.