The Curriculum at Knutsford Academy
Our curriculum is built on foundations of ambition and academic excellence. Our knowledge rich and broad curriculum provides students with the opportunity to experience a range of subject specialisms developing a deep level of understanding and fluency in skill application. We are proud of the range of subjects offered in our curriculum which enable students to combine the academic rigour of core subjects such as English and Maths with more practical and creative subjects such as Performing Arts and Art and Design. Our curriculum is:
- Ambitious
- Broad
- Connected
Our curriculum in all disciplines provides ambition, support and success for all students and enables them to become independent, resilient and respectful learners who possess the confidence and aspiration for their next stage of education, training and work.
At Knutsford Academy our curriculum also intends to develop the following:
Reading and Oracy: The teaching of reading and oracy is explicit and is prioritised across the school. Our ‘Active Reading’ strategy ensures that all teachers promote reading and teach students to read to ensure that every subject area contributes to improving students’ fluency, confidence and enjoyment of reading. We promote the importance of Oracy and opportunities to improve students' ability to communicate confidently and fluently are provided throughout the curriculum. More information about our Reading and Oracy strategy can be found here Reading and Oracy | Knutsford Academy.
Personal Development: Our curriculum also prepares young people for their future lives by providing pastoral, vocational and extra-curricular opportunities which develop broader personal skills and values. More information about Personal Development at Knutsford Academy can be found here Personal Development | Knutsford Academy.
Academic Enrichment: Our curriculum provides the opportunity to enrich a student's learning beyond that of the statutory curriculum. It provides students with the chance to learn about current, topical issues and cultural contexts as well as an insight into the best of what has been thought and said in various subject areas. Academic enrichment is engaging and enjoyable for our learners and helps to foster a love of learning and further enhance Cultural Capital. Our academic enrichment is centred around the following themes:
- Philosophy and ethics
- The Classical influence (Latin/Greek)
- Social Sciences and Business Connections
- Real world issues; technological advances such as AI, medicine or environmental stability
- Expertise; the best of what has been thought and said.
- Contextualised learning; historical, social, cultural and political influences.
SEND: Our curriculum is ambitious for all learners in which students with SEND are supported to ensure that all can access the curriculum and achieve success. We promote adaptive teaching strategies to ensure our classrooms are inclusive for all learners.
Study Skills: Our curriculum provides opportunity for the explicit teaching, rehearsal and application of key study skills. Throughout each academic year, we teach our students the following study skills; Flash cards, mind maps, dual coding, Cornell note taking and the use of past papers. This provides students with a tool kit of strategies to use and helps support them in becoming independent learners so that they can learn confidently and effectively outside of the classroom. More information on our Study Skills curriculum can be found here Revision and Study Skills | Knutsford Academy.
Full details of our curriculum at each key stage can be found in the following pages.
For information about how the curriculum meets the requirements for SEND and The Equality Act, please see the relevant policies.
For further information about the curriculum, please contact either:
Mrs Alex Thatcher, Deputy Headteacher:
Mr Christopher Parr, Assistant Headteacher: