Geography Years 7 to 9

Course Summary

Geography Years 7 to 9

To develop a deep understanding of the changing relationship between humans and the physical environment and to know how we can create a sustainable world for future generations.  

Year 7 Geography 

Human and Physical Landscapes 

How do rivers create erosional and depositional features such as waterfalls and flood plains? How can river catchments be managed? How do waves create the features found along the UK coastline? How can coastal areas be protected from the sea? How have glaciers and ice shaped modern-day UK? What are modern UK cities like? What issues and challenges do UK cites face? What is it like in Indian cities? How can cities of the future be more sustainable? 

Year 8 Geography 

Sustainable societies 

How and why is the population of the world changing? How do we measure population? Are there too many people on the planet? How can countries sustainable control population change? What are the benefits and issues of international migration? What is the development gap? How can the development cap be reduced? What is Ghana like and how developed is it? 

Year 9 Geography 

Our hostile and fragile planet 

What natural processes create volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis? Hat would happen if Yellowstone super volcano erupted? How are fold mountains formed? Why were the impacts  the 2010 Haiti earthquake so bad? Can a country build and plan for an earthquake? What is extreme weather and is it increasing in the UK? Are tropical storms, heatwaves and tornados more of a threat around the world? Why is deforestation and issue in the Amazon? How is the Arctic affected by changing climates? What are the physical and human causes of climate change? Can we look after our fragile planet? 


There are assessments in each term and these are reported to parents at pupil progress points.  

There is an end of year examination in the summer term. 

History Years 7 to 9

Course Summary


To build historical journeys, developing a deep understanding of the significance of the past, how it has shaped the present and the broad range of skills that can prepare students for the future. 

Year 7 History. 

1066-1509: The development of church, state and society in Medieval Britain. 

How was Britain changed by the Norman conquest? How powerful were medieval kings? What was it like to live in Medieval Britain? How was the Tudor dynasty established? 

Year 8 History 

1509-1745: Power, ideas, industry and empire. 

How and with what consequences did England become a protestant nation? How was the Stuart monarchy challenged and with what consequences for the people of Britain? How did Britain develop in the age of the empire? 

Year 9 History. 

1901-present: Challenges for Britain, Europe and the wider world. 

How and with what consequences did the nature of conflict change during the 20th century– World war one and world war two? How and with what consequences did the USA become a world power during the 20th century? 


There are assessments in each term and these are reported to parents at pupil progress points.  

There is an end of year examination in the summer term. 

Religious Studies – Years 7 to 9

Course Summary

Religious Studies 

To develop an awareness and understanding of the variety of religious and spiritual beliefs in the United Kingdom and to be aware of how these impact on attitudes to ethical issues. 

Year 7 Religious Studies 

Origins of religion and religious developments 

What are the big philosophical questions? Fact or belief? What are the differences between ancient and modern religions? What are the main beliefs of Hinduism? How is symbolism used in Hindu stories? How does my identity compare to gods/goddesses? What is Hindu artwork like and what does it represent?? What are the main beliefs of Sikhism? What are the 5 K’s and why are they important to Sikhs? How do we show belonging at KA? 

Year 8 Religious Studies 

Abrahamic Religions 

Where does Christianity come from? How have Christians fought prejudice and discrimination? Who are the most important and influential Christians? How did Islam originate? What are the key beliefs of Islam? What does Jihad mean? Why can religion lead to extremism? What are the key beliefs of Judaism?  Who were the Patriarchs? What is the role of Jerusalem? Who am i? 

Year 9 Religious Studies 

Philosophy and ethical issues 

What ethical issues are related to sex and marriage? What are the arguments around debates concerning abortion, animal testing, contraception, death penalties and homosexuality?  How do you write a philosophical argument? How was mankind created? What is the purpose of life? What  are the key principles, practices and festivals of Buddhism? 


There are assessments in each term and these are reported to parents at pupil progress points.  

There is an end of year examination in the summer term. 

Curriculum Maps for Humanities Subjects

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