Knutsford Academy has an outstanding and unique Rewards Programme. We deliver a high standard, well-established programme throughout the academic year that recognises and rewards student strengths, achievements, progress, academic successes, and school values. Our business partners welcome the opportunity to work with our school and provide prizes each term for our ‘Star of the Week’ programme for students in Years 7-13. Typically prizes include items such as a bike, headphones, or a voucher to the value of £100.
Praise Points
Knutsford Academy uses Satchel: One to celebrate and share student's positive behaviours, achievements, and progress. This helps to enforce our code of conduct with regards to uniform, punctuality and engagement and better involve parents in behaviour conversations that will support improved standards. It also highlights outstanding academic achievement, extra-curricular participation, pastoral contribution, or being kind and respectful.
Star of the Week
Each week (Friday), Form Tutors and Heads of Year nominate an individual who exemplifies our school standards and values for this award. They are awarded a virtual raffle ticket to win fantastic prizes from our business sponsors. We share a photo of our ‘Stars of the Week’ on the school’ s social media (Facebook) page to celebrate their success.
Subject Recognition and Reward
Each term subject teachers recognise and celebrate students in their class by nominating individuals for the following awards:
• Outstanding Attainment/Achievement
• Outstanding Effort
• Outstanding Progress
Students are presented with a personalised certificate of their achievement.
The School Values Award – Student of the Term
This award highlights students who consistently demonstrate our school values of ambition, respect, and kindness. At the end of each term, Form Tutors write a brief paragraph about why the nominated student should receive the award. Each Head of Year reviews the nominations and selects the Student of the Term. All nominees receive a personalised certificate which includes the staff comment, and the winner is recognised in the Celebration Assembly and awarded a £20 gift voucher.
Academic Honours - Student of the Year
At the end of each academic year, the Head of each Faculty is invited to nominate one student from each year group for ‘Academic Honours’. These ‘Students of the Year’ are invited to attend a Celebration Assembly to recognise their academic achievements and success. They are awarded a personalized certificate; a blazer badge and their name are added to an ‘Academic Honours Board’.
The Headteacher’s Award
At the end of each academic year, all staff across the school are invited to nominate students who have demonstrated exceptional contributions to the school community or beyond and uphold the three core values of the school: ambition, respect, and kindness. Students and parents are invited into the school to meet with the Headteacher and are presented with a personalised certificate and a business sponsor prize (value of £100) in the ‘Honours Assembly’.
Celebration Assemblies
At the end of each term, all year groups attend an assembly to recognise and celebrate the success of students over the term. Students who have been nominated as ‘Star of the Week’ as well as the top 10 students in the year with the highest Praise Points are entered into a ‘Virtual Prize Draw’. All students with a virtual raffle ticket are entered into a ‘Spin the Wheel’ draw to win the donated business sponsor prize. During these assemblies throughout the year, the school also celebrates those students nominated for ‘The School Values’, ‘Academic Honours’ and the ‘Headteachers Award’.
Disclaimer: Only students who are present in the assembly are eligible to win the prize on the day.