Knutsford Academy and Cheshire Studio School are committed to creating an environment in which equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are respected and celebrated through our curriculum and culture across the school community. This belief is reflected both in our Vision (Strong Community) and our Values (Ambition, Respect and Kindness).

In 2022, our schools set four ambitious EDI objectives, which we continue to work hard to achieve. These objectives will be reviewed and modified in September 2024. 

EDI Objectives for 2022-24

1. To develop a greater breadth of understanding of key EDI issues across the entire staff. To focus this through an ongoing pattern of staff training and INSET.

2. Create a working space on the school website that draws together all the schools good work relating to EDI.

3. To develop a programme of work for all students focussed on the use and impact of specific language. This will lead to a reduction in the use of identity-based abuse focussing on racist, homophobic and sexist language.

4. To reflect on the curriculum across all subjects focussing on diversifying and decolonialising the content. This will allow all students to see themselves represented within the curriculum as well as seeing their place within the global community.

Our Senior Deputy Headteacher, Mr Lawes, has the strategic oversight of EDI across the school. If you would like to discuss any issues with him, please get in touch by emailing  

Here is a copy of our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.

Equality, Inclusion and Diversity Policy

Updated: 16/10/2023 200 KB