Year 8 Rowing
A small group of Year 8 students attended Northwich Rowing Club for their first session as part of the 'All Aboard Youth Rowing Programme'. The students had a presentation, a tour of the boathouse and a chat about the boats and blades that they will be using. They finished with their first go on the rowing machines. All made a fantastic impression and were very polite. They are really looking forward to getting on the water in the next session!

£480.02 raised for Macmillan!
Thank you to everyone who donated to our Macmillan Coffee Morning – we raised an amazing £480.02! This total included £143.11 raised by our Sixth Form students.

Year 7 Netball Mid-Cheshire Festival
Our Year 7 netballers made their debut for Knutsford Academy in the Mid-Cheshire festival last week. Fantastic attitude and spirit, leading to 3 wins!

Bookings are now live for our Sixth Form Open Evening
Come and learn more about our broad range of subjects on offer and see why we were in the top 25% of schools nationally last year for academic progress.
Ambitious Year 9
Miss Page's Year 9 English class have created some excellent pieces of homework this week, demonstrating our school value of 'ambition'. They had to create a 'context poster' for a new unit of work on Of Mice and Men. Here is an example of the best (see more on our Facebook page). Well done Year 9!

Our Autumn Term Enrichment Timetable is now live!
We had a fantastic turnout at Girls' Football yesterday. The sun was shining and the girls were in high spirits. We have a wide range of clubs, activities and academic support on offer over the Autumn Term. Please encourage your child to get involved!